Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday, monday...

You should ride as nearly every day as possible! Boy did I find that out the hard way this morning. Today's ride: 3.1 miles in 24:24 for an average speed of 7.7 miles per hour. As usual it took about 1/2 mile to work the kinks out and to be able to pedal smoothly. After that it just hurt the whole way. Yesterday was fast day at church. I fasted. I suppose that didn't help todays ride either. But what ever the cause this one hurt.

I had a new experience today. I fell over (again). But this time I couldn't get off in time so I landed on my right hand and elbow. No damage, except to my pride. I bought new sneekers this weekend. I thought since both of the other pair had multiple holes and the sole of the right one was beginning to peal off I should probably replace them. Well as I started this morning I felt myself falling to the right. I tried to get my right foot off of the pedal, no luck, my shoe strings were caught somewhere. So over I went.

Anyway, keep the wheels down and be safe out there!!

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