The problem is that I like to cook. And worse yet, I like to eat what I cook. Of course that wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't a pretty good baker. Even that could be fixed if I wasn't exercise adverse. Alas, the only exercise that I like well enough to continue is biking. Hence the Rocket.
Let me tell you about some recent rides. This will bring us up to date. Besides, I didn't ride today so there's nothing "current" to talk about.
Last Friday evening my sons and I took our first "long" ride. It was a whopping 4.65
miles! I hadn't ridden that far in about 12 or 13 years. My two little boys (Paul, age 10, and Robert, age 8) had never ridden a bike so far. [Sick, huh. Oh well, give us time we'll get better.] We rode down along side the Ogden airport which is just north of our house. The ride was a challenge. Paul wanted to ride faster, FASTER dad! Robert was having trouble keeping up, he is kind of small. So we rode down to our turn around point near the north end of the airport and started back. Robert finally had had enough and called for a rest. What a fortuitous circumstance. Just after we stopped Paul looked around and pointed to the sky, "Look!!" As we looked up there were 14 sky divers getting ready to land just to our west. We sat on our bikes and cheered and yelled and blew our horns. The last two parachutes were tandum jumpers. We were close enough to listen to the new jumpers hoot and hollar about how much fun they were having as they were coming down. It was a very, very cool thing to watch.

The other story is simpler. Tuesday morning I went out for my first solo ride. I left the house about 6:00 a.m. and rode the same course as Friday evening. It started out cold, but, as promised in the Utah State Bicycle Commuters guide, quickly warmed up. The neat thing about this ride happened just after I crossed the rode to the airport. As I was riding I was busy paying attention to the car passing me on the left. Just after he passed me I looked around and there, looking at the strange apparition pedaling past in the dark was a small coyote. He just sat there and stared at me. You could almost see the wheels turning inside his little head, "What the heck is that strange red thing rolling down the street? I've never seen anything like it before." It was very cool to be so quite and so much a part of the scene that he didn't spook, but just sat there and watched me pedal by.
That's enough for now. Remember, keep the wheels down and be safe out there. Until next time, see ya!
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